SPRING 2025: Enrollment
Join us for Practica every Sunday from 5:30-6:30pm
Join us for Practica every Sunday from 5:30-6:30pm ~
Located at Motivo LA in Atwater Village, LA TANGO ACADEMY offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to guide you from your first steps on the dance floor, to becoming a skillful and advanced dancer.
Spring Schedule 2025
The spring semester starts Wednesday Jan 8, and runs for 20 weeks.
Last day to enroll: Feb 1.
Space is limited & classes are role balanced.
No partner required.
We offer two semesters per year (starting January & August) each spanning 20 weeks. Each level (Tango 100, Tango 200 etc.) includes 2 courses which can be taken in either order.
Once you advance to Tango 200 and beyond, any previously completed level is complimentary with an active membership. This way, the farther you get in the curriculum, the more classes you can attend with your membership.
All classes are limited in size & role balanced.
Our curriculum classes (Tango 100-400) offer drop-in access only during the first 4 weeks of each semester, after that, a monthly commitment is required as we progress through the curriculum.
We do offer the following drop-in classes/events on an on-going bases: TangoFit, LegTech & Beginner Bootcamp, as well as Practicas and Milongas (social dancing).
Best thing is to start at the beginning of a new semester. If you want, you can catch one of our 2h Beginner Bootcamp drop-in classes to try things out prior to a new semester.
If you miss the enrollment window, or need to start late, you can get caught up and join the ongoing session by taking our Beginner Bootcamp Intensive.
You can also jumpstart your tango journey or catch with an ongoing session anytime with private lessons.
For dancers with 2 or more years of experience, please contact us if you have any questions re placement in the intermediate/advanced levels (Tango 200-400).
Year 1:
Tango 100
Beginner/All Levels
An introduction to Tango concepts, connection, musicality, and movement. This course is for anyone who's never danced Tango before, but also for the experienced Tango dancer to learn the other role.

When you sign up for a Tango 100 membership, you have access to all classes at the “100 level” & “all levels”. We recommend attending as many classes as your schedule allows!
Year 2:
Tango 200
A deep exploration of dancing in close embrace while maintaining comfort and connection. Dancing in small spaces, exploring rhythm and musicality, this course is designed to prepare the tango student for the milonga.
Prerequisite - Tango 100 or assessment:
Salida básica
Ocho cortado
Turn to the left
Media luna
Forward ochos
Back ochos
Changing between cross system and parallel system
Walking in close embrace

Special Dates:
Every Wednesday: Milonga Arrabal
Jan 5: Beginner Bootcamp
Jan 8: 1st day of class, Spring 25
Feb 1: Beginner Bootcamp Intensive
Feb 9, Mar 2: No class / Practica
Year 3:
Tango 300
This course focuses on axis and how it's used to create dynamics and direction in the dance. It explores shared axis movements and how the free leg responds to changes of the axis.
Pre-requisite - Tango 200 or assessment:
The molinete timing and mechanics as a solo drill
Media vuelta with 2 sacadas
Media luna with 1 sacada
Basic vals timing: 121 & 131
Milonga lisa & traspié
Milonguero groove in close embrace
All 100 material in close embrace
Year 4:
Tango 400
This course delves deeper into axis awareness including micro & macro off-axis movements, soltadas (breaking the embrace) and overturned pivots/movements.
Prerequisite - Tango 300 or assessment:
Front & back boleos
Molinete with enrosque
Molinete with sacada
Forced cross
Back sacada
Basic leg wrap
Transitioning between 3 embraces.
What people are saying.