
Milonga del Sol: 03-04-23
If you were there, you know the music was FIRE at the last Milonga Del Sol!!! Luckily, you can catch DJ Lynne again Friday 3/17/23 at Caltech Milonga Vamos! Mark your calendars for the next Milonga Del Sol w DJ Quetzal on April 1st Not kidding!!! Can't wait to see you!

Musicality Seminar with Alex Krebs
Still coming off the high of a fantastic weekend of workshops, dancing and hanging out with amazing people. Huge thank you to Alex Krebs for sharing your knowledge and music with us! Can’t wait for the next one!

Milonga del Sol: 02-04-23
Last Milonga del Sol was electrifying ❤ Thank you all for coming! Thank you DJ Alex Krebs! Can't wait for the next one --> Milonga Del Sol w DJ Lynne

Milonga del Sol: 12-03-22
❤ The Holiday Milonga del Sol with DJ Quetzal was spectacular!!! Thank you everyone for making this event so special. See you in 2023

Milonga del Sol: 10-01-22
A Milonga del Sol for the history books! Thank you to everyone for bringing your great energy as we head into GAVITO TANGO FEST WEEK! Thank you to Maria Elena for ROCKING it, keeping us dancing from start to finish!

Milonga del Sol: 07-02-22
Thank you beautiful friends for coming out to the June edition of Milonga Del Sol! Thank you Liz Hutchinson for the class, and DJ Jun for an amazing set - See you again soon!!!

Milonga del Sol: 06-04-22
Thank you beautiful friends for coming out to the June edition of Milonga Del Sol! Thank you Liz Hutchinson for the class, and DJ Jun for an amazing set - See you again soon!!!

Milonga del Sol: 05-07-22
Thank you beautiful humans for coming out to the May edition of Milonga Del Sol! Thank you Daniel Arias for a wonderful Milonga class, and DJ Jerry Matias Perez for a slamming set. Next Milonga Del Sol goes off on June 4th - See you there!

Milonga del Sol: 04-02-22
Thank you all for the loveliest of times! DJ Eduardo for the beautiful tandas... Hope to embrace you all again at the next Milonga Del Sol, May 7th.

Milonga del Sol: 03-05-22
Thank you all for an amazing time at the March edition of Milonga Del Sol! And, DJ Villano Del Tango… you absolutely rocked❤️ More Milonga Del Sol on Saturday April 2 - see you soon 😘

Leyendas del Tango Danza
"Leyendas del Tango Danza" (English subtitles)
Documental sobre las leyendas inmortales del baile del tango salón. (Documentary about the immortal legends of the tango salon dance.)

Tango styles & rhythms
A brief chronology of Tango at the hands of maestro Mario Marzán, showing its different styles and rhythms.

Milonga del Sol: 12-11-2021
Dear LATA students: We love you! Thank you so much for your work and your amazing energy this semester. Class will be back 2nd week of January and Milonga del Sol will be back in the new year as well!

LA Tango Academy online
Right now, our SOLO PRACTICE technique course is available online, and we’d love for you to join us! With our online membership you get a comprehensive Tango experience from home! Study solo at your own pace with the Technique Course, join our live classes & learn about Tango history!

Tango Nuevo
Starting in the 1990s in Buenos Aires, the Tango Investigation Group (later transformed into the Cosmotango organization) founded by Gustavo Naveira and Fabian Salas applied the principles of dance kinesiology from modern dance to analyze the physics of movement in Argentine tango. Taking what they learned from this analysis they then began to explore all the possibilities of movement within the framework of Argentine Tango.

Workshop Weekend with Ariadna & Fernando
Workshop Weekend with Ariadna Naveira, Fernando Sanchez, Sara Grdan, and Ivan Terrazas + Saturday & Sunday night Milonga. Pictures by Bassel Hamieh

Los codigos en la Milonga
Tango has its own etiquette and it's not always perfectly intuitive. By understanding the following unspoken rules of the road, the Milonga experience can be enjoyable for all.

Why tango changes your life
Your growth in tango, in a broader sense, is about learning what you like, what makes you happy, what gives you pleasure but also a sense of becoming more you - or a better you. Tango is not only about learning how to dance and how to successfully interact with other people, it is also about giving priority to what you personally like.

Festivalito LA
Workshop Weekend with Ariadna Naveira, Fernando Sanchez, Sara Grdan, and Ivan Terrazas + Saturday & Sunday night Milonga. Pictures by Bassel Hamieh